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Learn Reiki Level 2

Reiki Level 2 deepens and expands your Reiki practice. It supports self-realisation and teaches you how to recognise and satisfy your needs, as well as identify your soul projects. Learn to bring your dreams into reality and be guided by the essence of your values.

Ready for a journey beyond space and time?


  • Learn to send Reiki in space and time

  • Discover the Reiki Symbols and their application in daily life

  • Learn the essence of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual reality

  • Journey from your physical needs to your emotions, from your desires to your higher values

  • Identify and work on your soul project

Who is it for?

It is addressed to those who wish to deepen the practice of Reiki and acquire new tools to proceed further on their path of personal growth and self-realisation.

Pre-requisites: Having attended Reiki Level 1 at SPARK or at La Città della Luce.


Day 1: (9.30 – 19.30)

  • Welcome
  • Introduction of participants
  • Opening meditation
  • The Tree of Life
    • Symbolism and applications
  • Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual reality

Lunch Break

  • How to interact with these 4 realities:
    • Needs and matter
    • Actions and emotions
    • Projects and mind
    • Values and spirit
  • The 3 Reiki Symbols
  • Practice with the Symbols

Day 2: (9.30 – 19.30)

  • Welcome
  • Q&A
  • Resolution of energy blocks related to self-realisation
  • Meditation on the Tree of Life
  • 2nd Level Activation Ceremony
    • 1st, 2nd or 3rd Initiation

Lunch Break

  • 2nd Level Reiki Treatments:
    • The Mental Treatment
    • Purification of the physical space and objects
    • Distance treatment in time and space
  • Celebration:
    • Closing Sharing
    • Distribution of certificates

How we work

This event may be attended either in-person or online. Please register with us and we will send you all the relevant information.

Reiki Level 2 takes place over 3 weekends (in total 48h of teaching). Participants are advised to complete the 3 weekends within 1 year of their 1st Initiation into Level 2. You are free to start your Level 2 at any point during the year when a Reiki Level 2 seminar is offered, even if it’s in the middle or towards the end of the year.

The content of the 3 weekends remains similar. What evolves is the type of initiation you receive, your integration of the content and the development of your own personal project.

What we offer

2-days seminar in a group setting.

What we offer has proven successful in our 20+ years journey with Reiki. Our aim is to provide a Reiki practice based on solid and reliable practical and theoretical teachings, so as to allow a valid path of personal and spiritual growth.

Disclaimer: Reiki is an oriental discipline whose goal is the harmonisation of body, heart and mind with the spiritual dimension. Reiki courses and treatments are aimed at healthy, autonomous and responsible people. The term “healing”, when used, should be understood in the sense of “achieving a state of love for oneself and for others, internal harmony, awareness and self-realisation”. The professional who holds the Reiki seminar and the treatments is a Reiki Teacher. She does not make use of psychological instruments. The service provided is not of a medical-sanitary nature, therefore it is not intended to replace medical services but rather to work with them.