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Learn Reiki Level 4

Reiki L4 trains you to become a guide and support others on their journey with Reiki. The purpose is to acquire a global and unified view of the human being and the reality surrounding us all.

Through assiduous attendance of Reiki seminars, family constellations sessions and the Hero’s Journey, you’ll train and gain experience in holding the space and leading individual and group Reiki seminars.


  • 900 hours of theoretical-practical teaching

  • Learn how to initiate people to Reiki

  • Activate the energy channel of Reiki L4

  • Identify and release energetic blockages related to Reiki L4

  • Connect with the Reiki Community of Città della Luce

  • Learn the Deontology and Code of Ethics for Reiki Teachers

Who is it for?

This course is addressed to all Reiki Practitioners wishing to become Reiki Teachers, and those who wish to deepen their journey with Reiki.

Pre-requisites: Having attended and finalised the required training hours for Reiki Level 1, 2 and 3 at SPARK or La Città della Luce. And to have attended the entire intensive retreat “The Hero’s Journey” at La Città della Luce. 


Day 1: (Time to be confirmed)

  • Introduction participants
  • Key elements Reiki L4
  • The Reiki Teacher
  • Exploration and dissolution of energy blocks
  • The Reiki Initiation procedure
  • Deontology and Code of Ethics
  • L4 Activation Ceremony

How we work

Reiki L4 takes place at the end of the Hero’s Journey at La Città della Luce. SPARK and La Città della Luce join forces to offer you a unique experience of connecting with the Reiki Teachers of this Community and learn from their own Reiki journey.

What we offer

The course takes place in the presence of the Reiki Teachers of La Città della Luce. The initiation to the 4th Level will be done by your current SPARK teacher.

The Participation fee consists of a voluntary contribution. The 4th level Reiki certificate will be delivered at the end of the 900 hours of training.

Disclaimer: Reiki is an oriental discipline whose goal is the harmonisation of body, heart and mind with the spiritual dimension. Reiki courses and treatments are aimed at healthy, autonomous and responsible people. The term “healing”, when used, should be understood in the sense of “achieving a state of love for oneself and for others, internal harmony, awareness and self-realisation”. The professional who holds the Reiki seminar and the treatments is a Reiki Teacher. She does not make use of psychological instruments. The service provided is not of a medical-sanitary nature, therefore it is not intended to replace medical services but rather to work with them.